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White blackout satin fabric 60% , thermal, non fire acoustic M1 Width 300cm "Boreal"

Tissu satin occultant 60% blanc, thermique, acoustique non feu M1 Largeur 300cm "Boréal" View larger

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Darkening fabric, acoustic, soundproof, non-flammable

Boreal white satin double-sided, 60% blackout, acoustic, phonic of great beauty, ideal for room separations, the realization of blackout curtains, boat blinds and Japanese walls. 

Discount-10%Rates from $15M

Curtains, custom products free quote: click-here

30m roll, price on request.

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Utilisation: Ameublement Traitement: Imo Part 7: Norme de réaction au feu qui est applicable dans le secteur maritime. European environmental requirements: Our fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead. Fabrication: Made in France eee: Abaisse de 20% le débit sonore eee: Classe d'absorption acoustique A (ISO 11654) Confort thermique: Maintient la température intérieure et permet de réduire les dépenses énergétiques. Confort thermique: Jusqu'à 6%

Delivery time: within 8 to 10 working days

39,00 € tax incl.

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  • More info

  • Darkening white fabric 60% large width, flame retardant

    The Boréal fabric with its large choice of colours adapts to all atmospheres and its great width facilitates installations.

    Technical specifications

    Non-fire M1/ B1 / IMO PASS / UNI 8456 / 9174 Uno Class

    AkustikkMean Sound Reduction Coeff. (NRC): 0.88 Weighted Sound Absorption Coeff. (aw ): 0.90 Sound Absorption Class (aw ): A

    Optical indicesLight reflection: 55% Light absorption: 45% Light transmission: 0% Thermal indices Solar reflection: 53% Solar absorption: 47% Solar transmission: 0% UV transmission: 0% Gtot: Gt 40% Fc 67%

    ResistanceLight fastness (Class/8 units) 6 Dimensional stability (%) Chain 0 Weft 0 Elongation break (mm) Chain 17 Weft 27 Resistance break (daN) Chain 87 Weft 110

  • Data sheet

  • Composition100% Polyester
    PoidsTissu: 260g/m²
    Expédié(e) sous8 to 10 working days
    WASHProgram moderate 30 ° C
    MONEY LAUNDERINGLaundering excluded
    IRONINGIroning at low temperature
    DRY CLEANINGNormal process
    DRYING MACHINEDrying machine excluded
    TraitementImo Part 7: Norme de réaction au feu qui est applicable dans le secteur maritime.
    European environmental requirementsOur fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead.
    FabricationMade in France
    eeeAbaisse de 20% le débit sonore
    eeeClasse d'absorption acoustique A (ISO 11654)
    Confort thermiqueMaintient la température intérieure et permet de réduire les dépenses énergétiques.
    Confort thermiqueJusqu'à 6%
    Light resistantOui

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