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"Roquebrune" Casal plain outer canvas

Casal outer fabric

Width: 145cm
Anti-stain, anti-mold, water repellent, oil-proof
teflon finish

To enhance your exterior, discover the "Roquebrune" range which is available in elegant colors to enhance your decoration.

Fabric by the meter delivered in one piece

More details

Utilisation: Recouvrement de siège Traitement: Two-layer acrylic coating Traitement: Imperméable et imputrescible Traitement: Anti UV, anti moisissures, déperlantes et anti taches European environmental requirements: Our fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead. Livraison gratuite: Oui

Delivery time: within 4 to 8 working days

75,60 € tax incl.


84,00 €

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  • More info

  • Casal outer fabric

    The longevity of your garden furniture, your patio covers, the layout of your boat, tablecloths, chair cushions, cushions, confections guaranteed with high-end outdoor fabrics from Casal

    Evedeco, number one site for the purchase and sale of aquaclean upholstery fabrics and Made in France products:

    - Standard and custom eyelet curtains, cushion, floor cushion, box spring, headboard, ...

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  • Data sheet

  • SupportToile
    Composition100% acrylic mass dyed
    Poids551gr / ml
    Expédié(e) sous4 to 8 working days
    UtilisationRecouvrement de siège
    Résistance à l'abrasion26000 cycles
    WASHProgram moderate 30 ° C
    MONEY LAUNDERINGLaundering excluded
    IRONINGIroning at low temperature
    DRY CLEANINGProcess of care
    DRYING MACHINEDrying machine excluded
    TraitementTwo-layer acrylic coating
    TraitementImperméable et imputrescible
    TraitementAnti UV, anti moisissures, déperlantes et anti taches
    GarantieTenue des couleurs pendant 6 ans (acrylique teint masse)
    European environmental requirementsOur fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead.
    Livraison gratuiteOui

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