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Fine acoustic sail - X95 - Englisch Dekor

soundproofing by the meter

Width 300 cmWeighted

Special weaving technology allows acoustic warping to absorb noise without having to block the view.

This product is the thinnest in the range, transparent like a classic blanket it has a slightly shiny appearance due to the specific anti-noise wires

Non-Fire Europe Standard

tailor-made canopiesFree quote click-here 

More details

Utilisation: Ameublement Exigence de qualité: Trevira CS treated fabric: polyester fibres and yarns that are not permanently flammable for utility textiles: the flame retardant effect Traitement: Non feu normes européennes EN 13773 Traitement: Imo Part 7: Norme de réaction au feu qui est applicable dans le secteur maritime. European environmental requirements: Our fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead. eee: Classe d'absorption acoustique D (ISO 11654) Livraison gratuite: Oui

Delivery time: within 8 to 10 working days

158,00 € tax incl.

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  • More info

  • Sound-absorbing fabric

    Lead-finished canopy that meets European standards for non-fir fabrics. It also meets non-fire standards in the maritime field. This technical fabric will allow you to absorb sounds and make a bulwark against noise while keeping the lightness of the veil and especially a bright room. 

    Extremely lightweight but very strong curtain fabric - Englisch Dekor distributed by Casal

    Free quotation for tailor-made canopies 

    L'Atelier d 'Eve is located in Provence, in Bagnols sur Cèze, near Avignon, Pont du Gard, Camargue and Pont Saint Esprit. 

  • Data sheet

  • Laize300cm (hauteur)
    Composition100% PL TREVIRA CS
    PoidsTissu: 250gr/m²
    Expédié(e) sous8 to 10 working days
    Exigence de qualitéTrevira CS treated fabric: polyester fibres and yarns that are not permanently flammable for utility textiles: the flame retardant effect
    WASH60 ° C-moderate program
    MONEY LAUNDERINGLaundering excluded
    IRONINGIroning at low temperature
    DRY CLEANINGProcess of care
    DRYING MACHINEDrying machine excluded
    TraitementNon feu normes européennes EN 13773
    TraitementImo Part 7: Norme de réaction au feu qui est applicable dans le secteur maritime.
    European environmental requirementsOur fabrics meet the OEKO-TEX 100 LABEL guaranteeing not to contain any toxic product for the body and the environment and/or meet the reach standard: no chemical substances including azo dyes, nickel, lead.
    eeeClasse d'absorption acoustique D (ISO 11654)
    Livraison gratuiteOui

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