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Thermal and acoustic "Granon" blackout fabric large width Casal

Casal upholstery fabric 

Darkening, thermal and sound insulation 

Wide width: 280cm 

This wide width fabric ensures security with its fireproof treatment and elegance thanks to its slightly marled effect.

100% Darkening

Available in 12 colours 

Curtains... custom products free quote: click-here 

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Utilisation: Ameublement Traitement: Non feu normes européennes EN 13773 eee: Abaisse de 20% le débit sonore Confort thermique: Jusqu'à 6% Livraison gratuite: Oui

Delivery time: within 4 to 8 working days

73,80 € tax incl.


82,00 €

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  • More info

  • Darkening fabric, thermal and sound insulation per meter 

    Ideal for protecting your interior, this collection also reduces the sound output of the room and ensures great thermal comfort.

    - Standard and bespoke eyelet curtains, plaid, cushion, floor cushion, bed base cover, headboards,...

    Call Us:

    L'Atelier d 'Eve is located in Provence, in Bagnols sur Cèze, near Uzes, Avignon, Alès, Pont st Esprit, Isle sur la Sorgues and the Arena of Nimes.

  • Data sheet

  • Laize280cm
    Composition40% Polyester,60% Acrylique
    Poids1130 g/ml
    Expédié(e) sous4 to 8 working days
    WASHProgram moderate 30 ° C
    MONEY LAUNDERINGLaundering excluded
    IRONINGIroning at low temperature
    DRY CLEANINGNe pas donner au nettoyage à sec
    DRYING MACHINEDrying machine excluded
    TraitementNon feu normes européennes EN 13773
    eeeAbaisse de 20% le débit sonore
    Confort thermiqueJusqu'à 6%
    OpacitéOccultant à 100%
    Livraison gratuiteOui

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